My brother Hard Rock and his wife and son heading home after church. I've encouraged people to come to church as a family. This picture personified a people who are going somewhere so I had to post it.
River of Love church was razed and rebuilt last summer and is in leadership transition. Their leader for the past year got called to the capital city for further study. So the few faithful ones were wondering who would lead them now. There were some hurdles of fear to clear for these sheep without a shepherd.
Church yesterday was cold because with the leader moved out, there was no one to start a fire. So we started church right on time giving God the first word. We read the first half 1 Corinthians, took the offering, sang 3 or 4 songs of praise, ended with the Lord's prayer. Then we gathered in a circle in the sun near the back to decide who would be the new leader and agree to live in the apartment next adjoining the church hall. It was a lively conversation where some hard truths were spoken, but God showed up and showed us a willing and able lady member. I drove home grateful for God's promise to provide for his kingdom work.
The sheep of his pasture in the little town of Baruun Haraa, about an hour south of us, seemed satisfied and full of faith that God would lead them through the winter. It will be a pleasure to walk with them as they discover God is enough, that this is His church, and He's still running a River of Love through it. The new leader was surrounded in prayer and embraced by members of her flock.
May the love flow warm all winter and may His grace run through your heart and life as well.