I hope yours is winding down. We have a Cama Christmas party tomorrow, the first time we're doing it at a local restaurant. Added to that is a little bit of extra pomp and ceremony that adds pressure.
Then we will offer a Christmas Eve service to the community in English. Four or five American families will gather to sing, recite, and see the Christmas story enacted. We have given out invitations to Mongolians and expect some to come. That's a bit more pressure.
Then we've got people coming to our home for Christmas Eve dinner, and all the preparations for Christmas morning. Most of the shopping is done, maybe even over-done. But wrapping and what else is needed on top of baking and dishes is likely to be a late night.
Christmas Day, the kids have duties with their Sunday School class. So we're in for a big few days of festivities. Hopefully that will make the release and rest afterward than more meaningful.
Through it all I wish you peace and glimpses of the treasure of the greatest Gift at Christmas.