Saturday, April 03, 2021

Gobi Desert Drought Relief

Mongolian Alliance Church Pastors and President Luke traveled to towns in the Gobi desert to distribute 17 tons of hay and 11 tons of wheat bi-product feed.  Last summer's rains never came, and this winter's weather was brutal.  Herds were dying of starvation and cold.  Many families relocated hundreds of miles to try to find feed for the winter.  Our local pastor's network is grateful for the partnership of CAMA Services and the Alliance World Fellowship of about 50 countries for providing funding for this relief.  

When herdsman families lose their herds, there is usually no alternative but move to squatting settlements that surround the capitol, Ulaanbaatar.  Country people adapting to city culture is very tough.  Our hope is that a few families will be saved this catastrophic culture shock.  

Instead we hope some will discover the grace of Jesus Christ, resulting in finding a new life that endures for eternity, even when our own bodies tire, expire, and return to earth.  May their spirits discover the One that rose from death on Easter, and still proves to be "the firstborn of many brothers" Jesus. 

 To God be the glory.

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