Saturday, August 03, 2019

Mongolia's Smokey Capital City Makes World News

Getting back to Mongolia July 31st at night, we were delighted the air was warm, above 60 degrees.  And the roads back to the city are SO much smoother than they were in 2005 when we first came.

But the air was much more dirty and smokey!  The smoke is from forest fires in Siberia.  But it seemed like a stinky foreshadow of the coal smoke crisis that has choked Ulaanbaatar for decades.

Just before getting on the plan I saw this story on NPR explaining how they plane to change air quality in this city which we will now be calling home.  I am hopeful, but also skeptical enforcement will prevail.  But I love their energy, and I have seen laws change this country almost overnight before.  So let's hope that happens again!  Just thought I'd share the news on this health crisis.

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