Sunday, November 10, 2019

Church on Sunday

Our colleagues and I showed up for 11 am church a little late at 11:04.  But we were the first ones!
The phrase "Mongolians don't keep time", was running through my mind.

After a good sermon, and worship, we got word the pastor's wife prepared some meat to share.
It wasn't until the lady on my left said "pass the ohmas" that I started to question what kind of meat.  Turns out is was horse meat, and that's the local word for intestine.  It's not too bad, but a little tough.

We showed up for English church a little early to set up for Alpha announcements.  So the kids went out to discover this playground for the first time.

The city is growing up around this older building and set of toys, but it still works.

Then home for a Sunday night light dinner of Nachos!  
(Riddle Question:  What do you call cheese that doesn't belong to you?)

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