Friday, June 05, 2020

Inspiring Church Service

One of the beauties of the World Wide Web is the ability to travel (sort of) to experience places, even churches, where you've never been.  Maybe for you that means seeing and reading, perhaps praying for Mongolia from wherever you visit this journal, this web log of ours.  Thanks for dropping by!

Today I visited a church (virtually of course) in my own home state of Washington, that I had never heard of, in a town I couldn't place on a map.  I learned of it from a book that was suggested to me, which was written by the pastor of that church.  He happens to be the son of my favorite theologian, Eugene Peterson, who was born in another small town in our state: Stanwood, Washington.

Anyway I thought I would share this message of Home, the Hope of Heaven, and the need we all need for Justice and Grace.  The music and worship is what drew me to stay for the service of the proclamation of the Word of God.  I hope someone out there enjoys it as much as I did.

You can simply click here to see and hear.  Blessings!

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